Sunday, February 25, 2007

In The Dock: Music biographies - the verdict

In favour of Phill's case for the prosecution: 3 (Pete Ashton, Dead Kenny, Wan)

In favour of Damo's case for the defence: 5 (Swiss Toni, Pete G, Simon, Ben, Nick The Snick)

Abstentions: 1 (Caskared)

So, after last week's triumph for the prosecution, the defence has it once again - though it was much closer than it has been in recent weeks.

Thanks to Phill and Damo for their contributions.

Coming soon: Alison takes issue with music being played too loudly from car stereos, while Ian defends.


Blogger Damo said...

I WON one?


(picks self up off floor)

Third time lucky.

11:35 am  

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